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What's in our Easter Baskets? 2024

Easter is fast approaching--even faster since it's in March this year! I love getting everyone's Easter baskets ready, though we try to keep them pretty simple.

Today I wanted to share what is going to be in our baskets!

Kids' Baskets

The kids are getting mostly the same things in their baskets, with just a couple of individual items. I try hard to keep it inexpensive but also meaningful (I don't want a bunch of new cheap toys that are going to break right away or clutter up our house).


We get our kids a chocolate bunny each year. This year, I also got them a Cadbury caramel egg, a Lindt Napolean truffle (I bought a couple two packs and will put one in each of the four baskets), and a bunny Pez.

Other Treats

We don't do cereal most days, so I asked each of my kids what their favorite cereal was (Ashtyn likes Life Cereal, Parker likes Puffed Red Wheat, and Rylee likes chocolate) and got them their own box of it. My husband and I have gotten cereal in our basket or stocking for a couple years now and the kids always say they want some. We also got them each a bag of the Simply Cheetos. I really like giving them a snack that isn't sugary.

Nonfood Items

I found some cute CTR rings (which stands for Choose the Right) that I'm excited to put it in. The pack came with two different colors, so they'll each get two rings. They're also getting their own pack of sidewalk chalk and a couple of bath bombs. I love getting special consumables that I know they'll use but won't add to the number of items in our home!

Individualized Items


Ashtyn has been listening to the Harry Potter series and been really into it. For her "toy", we got her a Harry Potter wand that she's been wanting. I also got her a set of bobby pins of her own to use for crafting things (she's been asking for this for quite awhile now). For her book set, we got her The Complete Chicken Squad (we listened to the first book and she loved it). I also got her a piano book with Disney songs in it.


All the kids have been into Minecraft lately, but I think Parker has been the most. For her toy, I got a small Minecraft Lego set. I also got her a mini Minecraft figure for just a couple dollars. For her book set, we got her books 1-6 of Zoey and Sassafras. We also got her I Am Not Scared (she loves the books in this series).


As soon as I saw this unicorn set with brushes, I knew it was the toy for Rylee's basket. She is going to be so excited and I'm a little worried her sisters will be jealous of it. The book set we got her is Narwhal and Jelly, some of our favorite graphic novels. We also got her an alphabet companion book to I Need my Monster (one of her favorite books!).


I got Oliver this car set for his toy. I think he's going to like being able to put the cars inside the wooden box slots. For his books, we got him a dinosaur/tractor book and a baby owl book.

Parents' Basket

Ben and I share a basket each year and keep it pretty simple. For treats, we each picked a box of cereal that we wanted and a big bag of Simply Cheetos. I also got Yum Earth gummy bears and coconut milk caramel bites from Vitacost. For his nonfood item, Ben picked an over grip for his pickleball paddle. For mine, I picked books, of course. I got Arcanum Unbounded and The Lost Metal, both by Brandon Sanderson.

I am excited for Easter, both for the fun things (like Easter egg hunts and baskets) and for the added focus on Christ. It's such a special time of year and it is one of my favorites as we move from cold weather to a warmer spring.

What are you putting in your Easter baskets this year? What is your favorite part of Easter? Let me know in the comments below!

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