Sarah Adams has been a favorite author of mine since I picked up her first book. I found Sarah Adams when she was writing her regency novels. When she came out with her first rom com, I read it and loved it and was hooked! I've read every one of her novels since except her newest book, The Rule Book (because it's open door and I personally don't read those).

I've loved all of the books I've read by her! They have all been 4 or 5 stars for me. Today I wanted to share how I rate her books, going from my least favorite to my favorite.

Practice Makes Perfect
While this is my least favorite of her books, I still really enjoyed it. I loved the characters and setting and she always writes amazing chemistry in the romance.
One reason this isn't my favorite of her books is because it is heavily focused on the fact that the love interest has tattoos--I know that's a big selling point for some people, but it isn't really a thing for me, so I didn't click with it. Another reason it was not my favorite is because it pushed the bounds on a "closed-door" romance for me more than any of her others (and in fact, she added an optional open-door epilogue after publication). The thing that bothered me the most was that the characters slept together without committing to each other and it has a more descriptive lead up scene to that. I still enjoyed the book overall, but because of those things, it was less enjoyable to me and made it my least favorite of her books.

When in Rome
This is the prequel to Practice Makes Perfect and is one of her latest books. One of my favorite things about Sarah Adams' books is her characters and I really liked the main character in this one. The sexual content in this book (although it is closed door) did bother me some and for some reason, it didn't click for me as much as some of her others. Like the previous book, though, it was still a solid 4-star read for me.

The Cheat Sheet
This was a fun book, with great characters and really fun friendships (especially within the football team). It wasn't my favorite of her books as I'm not really into sports or football and the plot dragged a little more for me.

The Temporary Roomie
One thing I love about all of Sarah Adams' books are her female leads--I think I love every single one of them, including the one this one book! They have such fun and individual personalities and are very relatable. I found myself laughing out loud with her throughout the book. I also loved the focus on pregnancy in this one. The plot didn't leave as much of an impression for me, but I rated it 5 stars and really loved reading it!

To Con a Gentleman (and her other regency romance books)
Before Sarah Adams wrote rom coms, she wrote two regency romances as well as a novella, all connected. I very much enjoyed the characters and romance in these, as well as how clean they are (since they are regency).
While I love her regency books, I really fell in love Sarah Adams as an author when I read her first rom com. She really has a gift for rom coms!

The Match
This was Sarah Adams' first rom com and it was a true delight to read! I loved the main characters, their chemistry, and the deeper plot surrounding her epilepsy and his daughter. It was still a fun, light read, but it was nice to have that depth to the characters. I loved the book from beginning to end and it got me hooked on reading rom coms!

The Enemy
This is the sequel to The Match and my number one favorite book by Sarah Adams! I loved everything about it, from the donuts to the characters to the romance to the relationship between the female main character and her mom. It is probably my favorite rom com I've ever read. And while (like I said before) I like every female lead Sarah Adams wrote, this one was my favorite. I loved her quirkiness and individuality and just loved reading her story!
Have you read any books by Sarah Adams? Which were your favorite/least favorite? I'd love to hear about them even (or especially) if your opinion differs from mine!